Safety And Emergency Services
Julesburg Volunteer Fire Department
The Julesburg Volunteer Fire Department maintains a roster of 25 volunteers and provides coverage for the Town of Julesburg as well as the Julesburg Fire Protection District. The Departments meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Emergency Medical
Julesburg provides seven days a week 24 hour/day Sedgwick County Emergency Medical Care. We currently have three ambulances and forty-four (44) employees with the following certifications:
19 – EMT Basic;
2 – EMT Intermediate;
3 – Paramedics; and
20 – First Responders with CPR Certification
Law Enforcement
The Town of Julesburg provides community police protection through an annual contractual arrangement with our Sedgwick County Commissioners/Sheriff. Under these arrangements they are responsible for enforcing the Colorado Model Traffic Code as well as the Town’s ordinances. Currently, the Sheriff has a staff of four employees in addition to himself.